Minor league baseball is more about entertainment, more about community, and more about ‘wow,’ than their big brothers in the Major League. They have to be. Their stadiums only hold a few thousand, their players are usually not Major League caliber, and to get people excited about the team – not just half price beer – you have to, sometimes, get a bit creative.
And I’m not sure if there has been any team more creative
than the Lexington Legends in their re-branding efforts as a Kansas City Royals
Before I begin, however, I suppose I should introduce myself. My
name is Nathan Bramwell, and this is my first post (and beginning of my
meteoric rise to the top of Kansas City sports media) for Royal Revival, a blog
that I was invited to write for. If you recognize my name, it’s because I am a
junior author for Arrowhead Addict, where I write about the Chiefs a couple of
times a week. If you haven’t heard of me, then start reading Arrowhead Addict.
Alright, enough with my shameless plug and back to this introduction business.
I have always been a baseball fan and had the privilege of interning in minor
league baseball this summer, where I gained an appreciation and fondness for
the minor leagues and their unique and geographical specific brands and
I mean, how can you not enjoy names like the Richmond FlyingSquirrels, the Montgomery Biscuits, the Vermont Lake Monsters, and InlandEmpire 66ers; unique names with unique logos, and all with a background reason
of why. Sure, professional sports teams everywhere can say the same thing, but
minor league teams have the ability to border more on the ridiculous side.
The Legends are making a mustache one of the team’s primary
According to MILB.com, the Legends road hats will be a kelly-green
with a Royal blue mustache adorning it. "Minor League Baseball is all
about the 'wow' factor, and we wanted to go beyond the normal stuff you'd see
at the ballpark," said Hall of Fame namesake Ty Cobb, the Legends director
of creative services and graphic designer. "And we wanted to be the team to
do this first, to have a mustache on a hat.”
"It started as kind of a joke," said Seth Poteat,
the Legends General Manager. "But the more we talked about it, the more we
said 'Why not?'"
Now, they didn't just come up with a mustache logo out of
nowhere. It pays tribute to the team’s longstanding mascot, Big L (seen at the top), who has
always had a mustache himself and been somewhat of a facial hair aficionado. “Our mascot, he
actually has a mustache, so we're not just hopping on a fad. ... We're going to
be easily recognizable when on the road,” said Cobb. “Fans can just look at the
In a side note, it’s kind of weird that mustaches are a fad.
My sister in high school walks around with I [heart] Mustache bracelets, and “I
Mustache You a Question, But I’ll Shave it for Later” shirts. It’s quite
disturbing. We were never this weird in high school, right …?
But I digress.
The Legends changes don’t stop there. According to the
article, the mustachioed mascot rappelled down the 410-foot Lexington Financial
Center while wearing the Legends' new uniforms. Upon hitting the ground and
getting unharnessed, he showed off the new style amidst a large crowd that had
gathered for downtown Lexington's recurring "Thursday Night Live"
outdoor party.
The logo itself is also changing from a Big L with a smirk
to a Big L with a scowl. The Legends are also the first to use the abbreviation
‘Lex’ as part of a sports logo. As far as linking the logo to the area, there
is an illustration that depicts the white fences that are common amidst the
region's many horse farms. Horses are referenced, again indirectly, on the
team's alternate cap. The chiseled "Lex" font is meant to recall the
chiseled drystone walls that line historic horse farms.
But let’s be honest, the mustache is the reason I wrote this
article and the reason you've justified reading it. The mustache now makes the
team legen – wait for it - dary. Legendary!
How many times do you think they've heard that joke?
I will order my own new moustache hat right now! love it.